Creams, serums, masks and toners packed with innovative ingredients can be great for your skin – but there is only so much skincare can do for your skin health. Part of your skin’s health will come down to genetics and...
As soon as we reach puberty, our (cycle) hormones start to have a significant effect on numerous parts of the body, including the skin. Not only can we see this throughout our lives but also during shorter periods of time,...
Helt fra starten har dufter spilt en stor rolle i MANTLE-produktene. Etter hvert som produktutvalget har vokst, har også vårt duftunivers utvidet seg. I våre innovative formler kombineres klinisk dokumenterte ingredienser, botaniske ekstrakter og fantastiske teksturer med dufter fra essensielle...
As temperatures drop, many of us experience drier skin. Freezing temperatures, cold winds, and dry air can be harsh on the skin, potentially resulting in redness, irritation, and more sensitive skin. In this guide, you'll find tips on how to...